FILA BRASILEIRO TAIL: Viewed in profile, it should not interfere with the rump curve on the contrary, it must be well adapted to it, not outstanding too much. Its insertion is medium. When the dog is excited, it goes up, but it must never take an upright position or even fall over the back. At the end it forms an open curve(hook curve), but it should never twist up. When the dog is at rest, it falls straight, till the hock. Seen from rear, its root must be very wide and strong, narrowing little by little down to its end. SKIN: It is one the most important characteristics of the breed, it must be thick, loose all over the trunk, mainly in the neck, and forming a dewlap at the throat. In many cases this dewlap goes down the chest and abdomen. Some dogs have a ply(wrinkle) at head, sides, and also at the withers and shoulders. When the dog is at rest, the head must not present plies. When it is on the alert, the contraction of the skull skin in order to raise the ears from little longitudinal plies. The forehead must not have plies. FUR: Low, short and flat coat. The hair is rough and thick, a characteristic which can be easily detected by sight and touch. A little thicker at the withers. COLOR: The following colors are allowed 1st: Yellow in all its shades, from the reddish brown(light bay) to red. 2nd: Yellow in all its shades, from the reddish brown to red, but with a gray shadow. 3rd: The first and second colors, but with black mask and ears, or only black mask. 4th: Striped like a tiger, or "araca" (yellow hair with splitted black stripes). Basic color equal to one of the previous ones with black stripes or streaks. The streaks are thin, with the same width from the beginning to the end and irregularly distributed all over the body. They also have different lengths and link at the upper line of the body, along the vertebal column, drawing a "V". 5th: Striped with black mask and ears. 6th: White with big brindled spots, like those described in item number 4. >The white color must be pure, without dark spots on the skin(making shadows). 7th: Light gray, silver 8th: Any of these colors with white spots, usually on the members, chest and tail and not so frequently on the neck and muzzele, going up to the head. HEIGHT: (at the withers) Mininum: males 65cm, females 60cm. Maxinum: males 70cm, females 65cm. WEIGHT: Males around 50kg, females 40kg. FAULTS: Everything that is far from the ideal described in this standard. The fault turns to be graver in the direct ratio of this distance. |
GENERAL DISQUALIFICATIONS: 1st: Cut ears 2nd: Cut tails 3rd: Flesh color nose 4th: Prognathism influencing the fore line of the muzzle 5th: Any dental lack 6th: White without any spot of another color 7th: White(basic color)with black spots 8th: Jet Black 9th: Slate black 10th: Jet or slate black with white spots 11th: Mouse(rat)gray 12th: Bluish gray 13th: Gray(basic color) with black spots 14th: Mouth gap in acute angle 15th: Temper without a positive reaction to attack 16th: Strong negative sensibility to shot MIXBREEDING DISQUALIFICATIONS: Important notes: 1st: Here are listed the most common faults. To make it easier to understand them, they are divided by items like the general aspect, head, etc. On account of the great variety of genetical heritages and consequently of phenotypes, the judge will not find a group of these characters it just one dog. So the judge must disqualify a dog whenever he finds one or more of these faults, and when he gets convinced of mixbreeding by the intensity and representativity of them 2nd: There are dogs with somatical(physical) details which denounce several mixbreedings. This fact must not be a surprise to the judge, because it only proves the extension and the variety of miscigenation(mixbreeding)with several(and not only just one)breed. A) NEOPOLITAN MASTIFF MIXBREEDINGS: 1- A strongly brevilineous type, with short legs, wide chest. Concave upper line, resulting in high and plane rump and high insertion of tail, which is short, tending to twist up and fall over the back. Lower line in opposite curves, concave in the thorax (thorax like a sleeping net) and convex in the abdomen(tucking up). 2- Wide skull, its curves go down the arched sides of the head just like in a ball. In contrast, the muzzle seems narrower. High insertion ears, Round "stop", formed by the frontal bone, which is high at the forehead, Mouth gap in acute angle. Viewed in profile, the muzzle depth is equal to or bigger than its length. Full face it is narrow. So the nose occupies all its front. Without convex curves. Transversal loose skin at throat. A boring expression with half closed eyes and open mouth, showing the tip of the tongue. 3- Slate black color, gray as a basic color, with black stripes lead gray. |